
Podcast interview with The Money Tree Investing host Kirk Chisholm

I am happy to share my podcast interview with host Kirk Chisholm of The Money Tree Investing and his panelists Barbara Friedberg and Megan Gorman where we discuss the investment influences, practices, and philosophy of John Templeton, Peter Lynch, and Warren Buffett as mentioned in my book, Empower Your Investing; Adopting Best Practices of John Templeton, Peter Lynch, and Warren Buffett. Enjoy! (Recorded February 25, 2020)

Click on the link: and scroll down to my archived segment dated April 10, 2020

Excerpt from Barbara Freidberg: "Loved the book. Read it cover to cover and it is perfect for stock pickers and it is perfect for those interested in learning how brilliant minds work; brilliant investment minds. It is written beautifully, it's a compelling story. I encourage anyone who has any financial interest to pick up a copy."

#warrenbuffett #peterlynch #johntempleton #investing #investments

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